Soil Sampling
We offer custom soil sampling on a 2.5 or 5 samples per acre basis. We use high accuracy GPS to sample the same point in your fields every four years. We currently soil sample around 15, 000 acres.
Soil sampling includes maps with lime recommendations for 5 acre sampling, and variable rate maps for 2.5 acre sampling. Cropping and fertilizer recommendations are also included. |
Crop Scouting
We believe crop scouting is an important part of protecting your investment. We scout 24,000 acres bi-weekly where we have gained the knowledge and experience to help us know when action is needed. We know that each field can have different needs, and we strive to optimize the strengths of each field.
Crop scouting includes advice on seed selection and crop protection, on-site presence on planting day, bi-weekly scouting with detailed reports, as well as PSNT (Pre-Sidedress Nitrate Test) and CSNT (Corn Stalk Nitrate Test) sampling. |
Nutrient Management Planning
VRT Nitrogen Planning
A nutrient management plan assures that your farm is receiving the right amount of nutrients at the right time and the right place. We write nutrient management plans for more than 60,000 acres each year for farms of all sizes, including CAFO WPDES permitted farms. We have three experienced Certified Crop Advisors on staff to write nutrient management plans.
VRT Nitrogen Planning allows you to apply nitrogen to the areas that will be the most productive so that you can ensure the most profitability per acre. Variable-rate nitrogen application can reduce nitrogen use without reducing yields.